Sunday, September 27, 2015

Passing through the Umbra

Mayan Man in the Moon

Firing the kiln, patching plaster, mounting reliefs in frames, patinating sculptures - I'm busy getting my work ready for a solo show, which opens in five weeks.  What makes this more complicated is that I'm also driving across the country in two weeks with all of the finished work, plus cats, clothes and laptops.  There's always a wild flurry of activity before my annual migration back East, but this year it's wilder than usual.  I'm trying really hard not to do anything dumb, like strain a muscle or cut my thumb.

No matter how busy I am, as a lifelong insomniac, I'm also an indefatiguable reader.  I can't fall asleep without reading first.  Right now, I'm reading a book, "Seveneves" by one of my favorite authors, Neil Stephenson.  Unfortunately, the book is freaking me out.  It's about the end of the world and although I've read a lot of science fiction, I don't remember reading anything before that made me look out the window to check that the moon was still there.  But not finishing the book isn't an option.  Because the moon of planet Earth is a big part of this story, I've been appreciating our moon as never before.  I can see why primitive people worshipped it.

Tonight there will be a lunar eclipse while the moon is at perigee.  It sounds like it will be amazing and I've given a lot of thought about where and how and when I want to see it.  Over the water?  From Eagle Terrace?  In my back yard?  I should be finished at work at the restaurant with a few minutes to spare before the eclipse and I'll be awake.  And probably a little more freaked out than usual.  I'm trying to think of this whole phase of pre-exhibition nuttiness as just passing through the umbra.

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